Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The first couple of days in PNG

After 14 weeks of studiously studying the bible, my team and I packed up our bags and headed to the airport for the next phase of our adventure, 6 weeks in PNG ( Papua New Guinea) .

After a couple of flights we arrived in Port Morsby, were we would spend a couple of days  working with a church before flying on to Mount Hagen. The church sent a truck to pick us up.

Once at the church we were left to settle in, which consisted mostly of creating a giant spider web of mosquito nets.

 The next morning we had our first visitors, Denis and Paul. Who where very excited to have new friends to play with.

After a morning of playing, we once again loaded up into the truck for a tour of the city.
Paul and Denis came along as our tour guides.
Besides being tour guides they were also our language tutors. Our first lesson was learning the phrase me go around,  meaning we are going around town, or sight seeing. The lesson went something like this.
Denis- "Me plu roun"
Me- "Me plu roun"
Denis- No! "Me plu roun"
Notice any difference, me neither.  But after a few more times of repeating this my tutor seemed to be satisfied.
Our site seeing trip took us to a view point at the top of a hill.

We had a fun time "Me plu roun" the city.
We finished the day with a chidren's program for the neighborhood children. This consisted of duck duck goose, various forms of tag, clapping games, and every children's song we could think of.

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