Sunday, June 17, 2012

God Sent You.

PNG is full of  children they are everywhere.

We would often walk down the hill in order to find a group of children to play with. We spent many spare hours doing this. There are also plenty of  adults to meet and talk with as well.

 One day one of the guys decided to go for a walk and check out what the neighborhood was like. He walked down the road stopping to talk with all those he past.

As he walked along he felt God telling him to keep going, he kept going until he came to a house with an elderly lady, who was very excited to meet him. The lady did not speak any English, but her grandson was there and translated for them. Jim learned that the lady's name was Anna, and that she had some health issues, she was almost deaf, and blind, also her knees hurt so that she had trouble walking and could not bend her legs. Jim felt lead to pray for her. He spent some time praying and talking with her. Then promising he would visit her again he left. 

Jim told us about Anna and invited us to come with him when he next visited her. A few days later Jim decided to go visit Anna. This time a few of my teammate and I went with him. When we arrived at Ann's house she was excited to see us. She hobbled out to greet us, she was all smiles. After we had all greeted her we asked if we could pray for her. She invited us into her house and we all gathered around her to pray. After we had all prayed we wanted to ask her if she had felt anything while we had prayed. Her grandson was not there to translate for us.  So we tried to get one of the children peeking in through the doorway to translate but they were all to shy. Finally after a lot of coaxing and encouragement we succeed in getting one of the older boys to translate. With help from our translator we where able to discover that the pain in Anna's knees had disappeared and she was now able to bend her legs. We decided to pray for her again, and encouraged her family to join us. when we finished we asked her if she had felt anything while we had prayed. She said that she had not, and that she did not feel any different. But Jim said that her eyes looked less cloudy then when he had first meet her. We encouraged her family to continue to pray for her, and as we said good bye. Anna thanked us for coming, and said God sent you to me. God sent you.

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