Sunday, June 17, 2012

Teaching in the village.

 The village had two schools and they invited my team and I to come share a message with the students. We went to the elementary school first. As soon as we arrived the children swarmed out of the school to greet us, followed by their teachers who tried to maintain order.  Once the teachers gained order they organized the children and we started our program.

 We started by introducing ourselves.
 we then did some action song with the children. One of the songs we did was the Banana song, it is a rather silly song and the last part of the song is "go bananas". this is where we jump around crazily, and just be silly. As we did this we moved towards the children hoping they would join in, but their response was to run away screaming. We had done this song before at some of our other children programs, and the children always loved it. So when the children ran away from us we  were a little surprised , but we also thought it a little funny. We asked them if they liked the song and wanted to do it again and they responded yes. We did it again thinking that the children would join in this time, and they did until we got to the go bananas part, where they once again ran away screaming.  I guess that is just there understanding of go bananas. And it was rather funny.

After singing a few songs we then did a few skits for them. One of the skits we did was the sin chair, only we did not have a chair so we used a backpack instead. In this skit someone will bring the chair/ backpack out and place a sign on it saying sin and warn everyone not to touch it. Then they leave. Soon someone comes along and seeing the backpack goes over and ignoring the sign picks it up. He then looks it over and deciding he does not want it tries to drop it, but finds himself unable to do so because he is stuck to it and no matter how hard he tries he cannot free himself from it. Along comes someone else and the first person calls out for help. the second person tries to help but also becomes stuck, this goes on for a couple more people. Then the person who originally placed the backpack comes to the rescue by getting those stuck to pray. The point of the skit is to show how easy it is to get stuck in sin, but that the way to freedom is  through Christ.

 After sharing a couple of bible stories with the children we said good bye and headed over to the high school. The message we tried to give them was about purpose and making a difference. 

We had a good time sharing at the schools and had some good conversations with the students. At the end of our time of sharing we invited the students to come to the church for the bible seminar we would be running. The purpose of the seminar was to teach the participants the inductive bible study method. There are four steps to this method first is observation. We do different exercises to help us observe the book being studied. In this step we find out who wrote the book, why did they write it, to who are they writing, what is going on in that time of history. Among other things. The next step is interpretation.  Once we have gathered all the information, we start to put it all together to understand what was being said and why. What did all of this mean to the original readers/ hearers. Then we  move on to step 3 application. What does this mean to me, and step 4 proclamation how do I live it out. Many of the students came to our seminar. This was our first seminar and we were very excited about, and so was our audience.

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