Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teaching at a school.

After four weeks in Mount Hagen we flew back to Port Morsby. While in Port Morsby we helped teach at a school. School started with an assembly.

After the assembly classes started. My team and I divided up into the different classes. I helped with the preschool which would be considered kindergarten here. we began class with morning devotions, the teacher would lead the children in a few songs and then I would tell a bible story, and ask them some questions. After devotions it was time to begin lessons for the day everyone went to their desk or office as they called them and got out their workbooks.

After a couple of hours of  lessons, it was time for recess.

After recess it was back to lessons, until noon while the preschool and play school went home. The older children had lunch then they went back to class. Some went to practice their tambourine skills.

 Others had craft time.

I really loved working with the school, it was my favorite thing I did while in PNG.

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