Wednesday, June 20, 2012

BCC Graduation

After 6 amazing weeks in PNG my team and I flew back to Australia to graduate.

Here is a link to a video my teammate made.


Teaching at the Bible college.

While in Port Morsby we were invited to teach at the Living Light bible college. We were very excited to be able to teach at this college. Because not only was our whole purpose in coming to PNG was to teach bible seminars, but the bible college students would have a better understanding of English then our past seminar attendees, thus allowing us to go more in depth in our teaching.  This not only allowed us to give the students a greater understanding of the inductive bible study method, but it also helped us to grow in our understanding of the method as well. After this seminar I felt as though I had a better understanding of how the steps of the inductive bible study method all link together, and a greater understanding of each step. Through teaching this seminar I discovered how much I did and didn't understand of the inductive bible study method, and was able to grow in my teaching, and studying skills.

Helping at a clinic

The church asked us to help at their clinic. The church opened the clinic to offer healthcare for those that could not afford it otherwise.  Every morning before opening, the clinic would have a time of fellowship with the patients. My team and I were asked to give a message during the fellowship time. When the fellowship time ended the clinic was opened. All the patients were given a number, the clinic would see about 200 patients a day.
My team split up and helped at different stations throughout the clinic. Some greeted the patients, others helped give out medications, and I helped with wound care. When patients came through wound care I would help clean and dress sores and wounds. I do not have any medical training but the nurse I was working with showed me how to clean and dress the sores. We would clean the sores with iodine, then dress the sore with some gauze soaked in iodine, then cover that with another layer of gauze, then tape.  Then we would offer to pray for the patient and send them on their way.

Food, Fun, and Funny faces.

Along with teaching at the school we also helped the church with a feeding program they did Tuesdays and Thursdays.  A truck and a couple of volunteers would go to the different settlements and pick up the children and bring them to the church. Children living in the nearby settlements would walk over. Once all the children arrived we started the program with some songs, then continue with skits and bible stories.

 Once the program finished it was time to feed the children. Since there was 200 children we could not feed them all at once. So we played soccer with them until it was their turn to eat.

Meanwhile the children were taken in groups up to the kitchen to get their plate of food.

When the children finished eating they would either go back to playing soccer or pose for the camera until it was time for them to go home.