Friday, March 16, 2012

The Sacrifice.

As part of this school we have been doing a word study on steadfast love. I love this assignment, every time I do it I am so encouraged and fall more in love with God.  I have spent the last week thinking about all the things God has been showing me about his love through this assignment, and this lead me to think about the different powers that control our life. Through this I thought about how fear is Satan's most powerful weapon, and love is God's most powerful weapon. They are powerful forces that are in constant use in the spiritual battle the rages around us. As I was processing all of this I wrote some of my thought out in a poem. I thought I would share it with you, I hope you find it encouraging.

The Sacrifice.

Hidden in the secret place were all is still and quite.
Amongst the chaos, and rubble, surrounded by thorns
There it stands, forgotten, unused and crumbling.
It is waiting for me to come and remove the chaos
Waiting to be rebuilt and repaired, waiting for me

In its place stands another, full of deception, and deceit
Its mask is quite and rest, in reality it is chaos
There it stands strong, well visited and remembered
It's power is controlling me, it's grasp I can't escape
waiting to be demolished and destroyed, waiting for it's fate.

It's name it fear, with great power it wields it's control
In its control there is no peace, nor rest, nor beauty, only chaos
It's power, is enslaving, imprisoning, and manipulating
It has taken me captive, a slave I have become
When will rescue come, when will I be free

O how long, O fear will you reign, how long will you be king
When will your power cease, when will your control end
How long O fear, will your kingdom have dominion,
When will its walls come crashing down, when will it lay in desolation
O fear how long will I let your power control me, when will I defeat you

Fear I have had enough, no longer will you imprison me
No longer will your disguise fool me, no more will you deceive me
No longer will I let you shape and mold me, I no longer want to be who you created
Fear your reign is at its end, your kingdom has fallen, defeat is all you have
In desolation you shall lay, in despair you shall live, for your defeat has come

For I remember the secret place and what is hidden there, waiting for me
I have returned to repair and rebuild, I am removing the chaos, and the thorns
I am here to use what is mine, this gift from God, this place is mine
My altar I have rebuilt and repaired, it no long stands forgotten
No long will it wait, no long will it stand unused, for I have returned

O fear, long has been your reign, strong has been your power
Today O fear your fate has been sealed, for to the altar I have brought you
To the altar you have been brought, this is your end, this is where you stay
Today I am sacrificing you, today you are being slain, this altar is where you stay
O fear long has been your reign, long has been your dominion,

Today at this altar I am ending your reign, I am ending your control
On this altar I place you, no longer will you be the center of my life
I am laying down all the pain, and rejection you created within me
At the altar I give it to you my savior and King, here fear is defeated
At the altar fear was slain, on the Altar fear was defeated

Fear has lost its power, fear has lost its place
I have found another to take its place, another to reign
This one wears no mask, this one has no disguise
This one is true, this one is faithful
This one is love and steadfast is its name

Take your place O love, begin your reign
Rebuild your kingdom, repair your temple
You have found your place, Your place is in the center
O love, long will you reign, longer will you rule
O love, steadfast and true.

O love, come take me captive, your slave I will become
In your chains I am free, in your prison I found freedom
O love, In your control I shall remain, in your power I shall live
Mold and shape me, your creation I shall be, a living artwork for all to see
O love, steadfast and true.

Fear has lost is power, fear has lost its place
Love has taken over, love is here to reign
Love is at the center, my life I have regained
Love is here to stay, in love I shall remain
O faithful love, steadfast and true.

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