Saturday, March 3, 2012


The gospel of Mark was written to redefine Jesus' identity as the Messiah. Mark wrote this book to Gentiles, and suffering Christians that were being persecuted after Nero burned Rome and blamed it on them. The Christians during this time of suffering were questioning who God is, and this lead to a falling away from Christ. Mark saw this and wanted to encourage, and strengthen there faith. With the help of Peter, Mark wrote the gospel of Mark. If you have read Mark you may have noticed that Jesus is always telling people, and demons not to tell any one who He is, and that Jesus is identified as the Messiah three times in the book. Once in the beginning, once in the middle, and then again at the end.  The whole book of Mark is structured around the revealing of Jesus' identity as the Messiah. When Mark wrote this he purposefully only identified Jesus as the Messiah three times to draw attention to it. Mark wanted the stories and parables to show us Jesus as the Messiah rather then repeatedly telling us by giving Him the title.  He wanted Jesus actions and words to speak for them self, and tell us who Jesus really is. Mark is filled with stories of the disciples failing to see Jesus' true identity. Sometimes I fill just like them. I have always had expectations of who I thought God should be and how He should respond to me. But God never meet my expectations, He exceeded them, because His way of responding is what I really needed. And believe me it was awesome. Also the disciples had a problem with faith they saw Jesus doing all kind of miracles everyday, yet they always seemed to doubt Him. Sometimes faith is a hard thing to have at times. I have had times when I feel like I just do not have faith, my problems seem to be twice the size of God and there is nothing He can do. It is like I forgot all the past things God has done for me and the way He has taken care of me. My faith feels so small during times like this, but that is all that God is asking for. He does not expect me to have a large amount of faith in Him all the time. because He sees what I am going through he knows that it is hard. All He is asking of me is to give him the little bit of faith I have and give him room to move. When I surrender the little I have to Him He will accept and honor it. Then through seeing Him do the impossible with the little I gave Him my faith will grow. Next time I will have a little more to give Him. I think this is the message Mark was trying to give to tell the original hearers of his book. God was not what they were expecting, He is so much more, give Him the little bit of faith you have and He will do the impossible. And at the same time He will surround you with His steadfast love.

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