Saturday, March 3, 2012

At the foot of Your throne.

At the foot of Your throne, I sat and pondered,
I looked in the sea of glass, like a crystal mirror
I saw before me a great power, like that of a miracle.
It overwhelmed me like a hurricane
At the foot of Your throne I found it.

Jesus, You gave it all, all for me you gave it
How did I not see this love for me.
How can my heart be so cold, and closed
Could I not feel the warmth of your embrace.
Did I really push You away and seal my heart

At the foot of Your throne, I sat and pondered
I saw it in the rainbow, like a mirage of mystery
I saw this fierce power, like that of a mighty gall
It overpowered me, like a tsunami
At the foot of Your throne I found

Jesus, You gave it to me, just for me you gave it
I did not see it at first, I did not want it
How cold I be so ungrateful and uncaring
Could I not feel grace in your embrace
Did I really say go away, and seal off my heart

At the foot of Your throne, I sat and cried
I saw it there, in the sea of glass,like a crystal mirror
I saw it there in the rainbow, like a mirage of mystery,
It overwhelmed,and overpowered me like a cyclone
At the foot of Your throne I found it.

Jesus, you gave it to me, all for me you gave it.
Now I see it the love behind this ring, I see it
How could I say no, I could not accept.
I feel the love of your grace and your embrace
Did you really say you are mine, and seal my heart.

At the foot of Your throne, I stood and waited
I felt it here, in the peals of thunder, like a trumpet call
I felt it in the flash of lighting, like a flaming torch
You overpowered and overwhelmed me like a typhoon
At the foot of Your throne I am found

The covenant was long awaited and anticipated,
The beauty of this covenant, is that of every jewel
The commitment of this covenant, is that of true love
the relationship of this covenant is that of Gods dwelling
At the foot of Your throne I surrender to you, for your bride I have become.

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