Saturday, March 24, 2012

Be Different.

I look around at the chaos, and distress, and ask where is God.
How can there be so much pain in one life, one place, one world.
A place of isolation, desolation, and emptiness, a place void of love.
I see the pain on every face, hear the weight of it in every word.
Feel the depth of it in every tear, the power of it in every broken soul.

Where is God in this pain, where is His love in this world.
Why do these things happen, is it because God does not care.
Does He not hear the cry of the broken soul calling out to Him.
Does He not see the tears of pain, will He not look this way.
Is His love to small, can it not find us in our anguish.

Why does God not stop the suicidal teen from taking his life.
Will He not surround him with love and give value to his life.
Why does God allow human trafficking, and child slavery.
Will He not protect His children, will He not provide for them.
Why does God not intervene, why does He stand by in silence.

Why does one child grow up in poverty, while another in plenty.
Why is one child born into love, while another into abuse.
Why is one baby wanted, while another is killed before it lived
Why does one child have a family, while another is orphaned.
Why is one child treated as an object of pleasure, while another is treasured.

Why God, why God do you let this happen, why do you do nothing.
Do you not love your children, do we mean nothing to you.
Have you forgotten us, are we abandoned by the one true thing we have.
Do we have nothing left to cling to, did you chose someone else.
Why God, why do you stand by in silence and do nothing.

I cry out to you for an answer, why are you doing nothing.
You replied "I am", I made you, why are you doing nothing.
I made you so you could make a difference, you have a purpose.
You can change lives, you can change the world, you can end the pain.
You are the answer, your heart is what this world needs,

Father, help me to see as you do, I choose not to be blind.
Help me to be your voice, help me to make a difference.
I want to be your hands, your feet, to end this pain and chaos.
Father break me for what breaks you, choose to use me as you will.
I chose your way, help me to fulfill my purpose.

My purpose is to be God's love to a broken world.
My purpose is to see those that are over looked and unseen.
My purpose it to listen to those that no one cares about.
My purpose it to be a voice for the voiceless.
My purpose is to be different, because Christ is different.

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