Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Worship In The Park.

 Once a week we would do some street ministry, we would usually do a treasure hunt. This is where we would pray and ask God to give us clues to look for. He would give us a location and then gives us clues to directed us to a person, clues like what color they where wearing, if they where carrying anything, was someone with them, did they have a hat, scarf, or umbrella. We would then go to the location and look for our person. Once we found them we would tell them about the treasure hunt and explain to them that they where God's treasure. We then offered to pray for them. We would get lots of different responses, some people would not listen, others told us how encouraged and blessed they felt.
One day we decided to do something different. We decided to have worship in the Park. We where hoping this would draw a crowd and then we could talk to the people that stopped and listened. five of us went to the park to worship. It was a nice day and we all enjoyed sitting in the park worshiping. One of the guys was from India, and one  from Norway and they tried to teach us a worship song in their languages. As we where getting ready to leave a couple people came over and asked if they could play one of our guitars. They had a group of children with them and said that they needed to entertain the children. The group was from Congo, It was a group of 4 adults and around 20 children. They had been playing soccer in the park the whole time we where worshiping and I think the adults where tired and needed a rest. They called all of the children to come over to us, and bring a drum that they had, they then had all the kids sit in a circle and sing some songs in there language. It was really fun to listen to.They sang 3 songs and the last song 4 of the girls sang by themselves.They said that they are Christians and the songs they sang where christian songs. After they sang they asked us to sing a song, then all of the children wanted to go play soccer again.

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