Saturday, January 21, 2012

Studying Acts

Well here I am in Australia, studying the Bible with nine other really amazing people. It has been a busy week, and my brain feels like a scrambled egg.
Did you notice the amount of stuff on our desks? And our confused, but thoughtful looks?  That pretty much sums up the week and why my brain is a scrambled egg.
   Do you like my new coloring book?   I do, I think it is pretty awesome.
   I also got to make a cool chart like this. Don't worry I got to color it to.
No, I don't spend all my time coloring. I spend some of it here, meeting cool people and enjoying....
    this awesome view. I know you're jealous, I can see it in your eyes.
   I also spend some time here, talking to you.
Did you enjoy your tour? Did you learn anything? I did. After this week the bible makes a lot more sense, I am starting to see how it all fits together and is one story, not just a bunch of random stuff about God, and how to live. Well that's in the Bible too but it isn't random. Instead it points us to God's love.

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