Sunday, February 19, 2012


I do not know where to start, the book of Romans is so richly full of God's love for us. I am feeling very overwhelmed by it all. How about we look at some big questions we all have and the answers that are found in Romans.

Who was I?
You are a sinner, a person that said I want a world without God. You are under the power of sin, and deserve the wrath of God.

How do I get saved?
We all get saved through faith in Jesus Christ. This should be so much more than just saying Jesus I believe in you. Your belief should come from a heart that is so in love with Jesus and what he did for you that it could not possibly think of anything else. Jesus is our wrath taker. He is standing between God's wrath and you. Think of it this way God has a gun and it is pointed at your head, he pulls the trigger and Jesus jumps in front of you and takes the bullet. Jesus' body was broken, and beaten for you. 

Who am I?
You are a new creation. This is the illustration that our speaker gave us. Before you believed in Jesus you were an apple tree, and  produced apples. Then one day you realized who God was and turned your heart towards him. Now you are an orange tree, and produce oranges. You are now under the power of righteousness.

Why does God love me?
Because He loved you even when you were enemies. God is crazy about you.

Why does God like me?
When God looks at you he see's righteousness, and perfection. He does not see your sin, because when he looks at you He is looking through the lens of Jesus to see you. He see's the orange tree not the apple tree.

There is so much more than this in the book of Romans. If you have some spare time and what to study a book I really suggest this one. I am still processing it. 

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