Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Psalm

   We spent part of this week looking at the Psalms. We looked at the structure of the Psalms (how the are written). And then we put into practice what we learned and each wrote our own Psalm. We all had a lot of fun doing this. I thought I would share a Psalm I wrote with you. It is not very good, but it will give you some ideal of what we did.

This heaviness I feel is overwhelming.
It is as thick as fog, and dark as night.
I feel the weight like a monsoon rain.
It makes my heart pound and my mind race.
My heart is torn, my thoughts are in a whirlwind.
I feel the power of your love but I do not know how to respond.
You have shaken my world, you struck like an earthquake.
I feel the tremble beneath my feet, and do not know which way to run.
I do not know how to respond to this storm.
I am a small ship in the middle of a large sea.
The waves pour over me, they pound against my side.
They push and pull at me, I am tossed about like a note in a song.
I am here then there, I am in a chord, then a scale.
Am I melody or harmony, soprano or bass.
Can I trust my heart, does it know how to love.
My heart is broken, but yours is whole.
My eyes look through a cloudy perspective.
But your vision is as clear as a rain drop.
I look and judge, but you look and love.
I see only what they have done but you see who they are.
I want your heart, I cannot love with out it.
I want your eyes I am blind without them.
I choose you and your way, I am lost with out it.


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