Saturday, April 14, 2012

Expressions of God.

From on high You looked down, what You saw caused You fierce pain
It brought tears to Your eyes, tears that form a river as they flow down Your face
A river that formed an ocean upon the sea of glass, that lay at Your feet
The great rumblings and peals of thunder, could not drown out Your cries of anguish
For what You saw broke Your heart, from its very depth pain exploded

You saw the oppression of the poor and needy, You saw the abuse they received
You heard the cry of the unborn life as it was ripped from its mothers womb,
You saw the child as he was taken from her mothers arms and sold into the arms of pleasure
You heard the cries of the forgotten, overlooked, and unwanted, a cry that deafened Your ears
Your beloved needed deliverance, they needed rescued, the oppression must come to an end.

You looked down from on high, and what you saw brought a smile to your face
You saw him standing there with staff in hand, watchful as a hawk over his flock
You looked in his heart and what You saw brought great joy,
You saw his strengths, You saw his weaknesses, You saw him for who he is
What you saw brought a smile to Your lips, and laughter to Your heart.

You said to yourself this is what I need, he is the one I want, I will use him
With him I can do mighty deeds, through him I can change a nation
He is bold, courageous, and strong, he can rescue my people, he will end the oppression
He is humble, caring, and obedient, his heart is mine, I will speak through him
For I saw the oppressed, I feel their pain, I have not forgotten them, I will not abandon them.

Through one humble shepherd, you delivered the poor and needy from oppression
Through him You brought protection to the unborn, and returned the child to arms of love
Through one heart, through one voice, You made a difference, You changed lives
You did not have to change Your deliverer, you used him as he was, for who he is
You do not call the perfect, but the imperfect, You use us as we are, for who we are

Father, no longer will I believe I have nothing to give, for I have much to offer
No longer will I hide behind fear of failure, fear of imperfection, for You perfect me
You created me with gifts, and talents, You created me in your image
You desire to use me, to use me as You used the Shepherd, You can use me as I am
Father, use me as You desire, I commit myself to your will.

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